Abstract: The simple pre-flight strategy of the GP-B data analysis has proven to be more challenging than expected and has evolved in the elaborate multi-level structure after the discovery of the complex polhode motion and the patch effect Newtonian torques. We present a cascade of estimators (filters) that reduce the science data (SQUID and telescope signals) to the estimates of the relativistic drift rates. These filters are based on the polhode-related models for the readout scale factor and patch effect torques. Full torque modeling together with the Trapped Flux Mapping (analysis of the high frequency gyro readout information to precisely estimate the gyroscope polhode motion) provides a successful compensation of the torque contributions, and leads to consistent estimates of the relativistic drift rates.
Bio: Michael Heifetz received his M.S. degree in applied mathematics and mechanics from Moscow State University and his Ph.D degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the Institute for Problems in Mechanics (recently named after A.Ishlinskii) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was involved in the research and development of the advanced integrated inertial navigation systems. Since joining the GP-B project in 1994 he has been working on the error and data analysis developing various GP-B data analysis filtering approaches.
Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Location: Physics and Astrophysics Conference Room 102/103
Light refreshments available 4:15pm; Presentation begiins 4:15pm.
Open to All