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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Daniel Brandt

Research Associate in Cryogenics and Space Instrumentation
Space Research Centre, University of Leicester, UK

Heavy photons, gravitons and superconductivity

Abstract: Following a quick overview of the activities at the Leicester Space Research Centre (SRC) the talk will focus on research efforts in cryogenics. It can be shown that photons interacting with superconductors acquire a non-zero rest mass. One of the symptoms of this non-zero rest mass is the well known Meissner effect. In principle,
the non-zero rest mass electromagnetism can be exploited to manufacture ultra-high resolution dispersion prisms or ultra-high non-linearity optical elements. Following the arguments which led to the introduction of the photon rest mass, we suggest that under certain circumstances graviton mass can also be expected to be non-zero, with possible
consequences for some astrophysical objects.

Bio: Dr. Daniel Brandt is currently a Research Associate in Cryogenics and Space Instrumentation at the Space Research Centre at the University of Leicester (UK). In 2009, he graduated with a PhD (Physics) from the University of Leicester (UK). In 2007, he was a Principle Investigator of MCP-MEEF micrometeroroid detector, selected for upload to the ISS. In 2006, Dr. Brandt was awarded a place on European Space Agency (ESA) professional parabolic flight campaign investigating phase transitions in granular media. In 2005, Daniel graduated with a Master of Physics with Space Science and Technology (1st class) from the University of Leicester (UK) and was awarded a place in the ESA Student Parabolic Flight Campaign investigating spontaneous segregation events in granular samples.


Time: 4:00pm – 5:30pm

Location: Physics and Astrophysics Conference Room 102/103

Light refreshments available 4:15pm; Presentation begiins 4:15pm.

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