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HEPL Seminar


Professor A. M. Cruise
Professor of Astrophysics and Space Research
School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Birmingham

"The Prospects for Very High Frequency Gravitational Wave Detection"

Abstract: Excellent progress is being made in developing ground based detectors for gravitational waves which work in the audio frequency band. There is a realistic possibility of detection from these instruments in the next five years. In addition, design work on the lower frequency space borne instruments, LISA and DECIGO are nearing that stage when important funding decisions could be taken. One might expect that the gravitational wave spectrum will span a wide frequency range just as the electromagnetic spectrum does and therefore it is of value to consider what sources of gravitational waves there might be at frequencies well above those searched for by LIGO and VIRGO, i.e. at MHz and GHz frequencies, and what methods of detection could be considered
realistic. The talk will review both the source estimates and detector strategies as these are currently understood and suggest possiblepathways towards very high frequency observations.

Location: Physics and Astrophysics Conference Room 102/103
Tuesday, December 16th, 2008, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Light refreshments available 4:15pm; Presenntation begins 4:15pm. Open to All


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