About the Graduate Student
Programming Board at Stanford University
"Bringing Together Stanford's Graduate Community"
Tuesday 12:30 pm - 1:30pm
Arrillaga Family Dining Commons
Downstairs in the Study Room
Lunch included!
Our Mission
GSPB strives to improve social interaction between graduate students by organizing, sponsoring and coordinating social and educational activities. We endeavorer to bring together graduate students from different areas.
While most of our events are catered to singles and couples, we have a few events each quarter specifically for families. Click here to see a short video from a graduate family dance event.
The GSPB is affiliated with the Graduate Life Office, a unit of the Dean of Students Office.
Join us!
Get involved with the group that organizes most campus-wide grad student events! You'll get to meet lots of interesting people and make a big impact on the graduate community. For more information about planning events and future events, email the Co-chairs or join the GSPB Members list.
Specific goals:
To bring whole community together by throwing at least one large event per quarter (Big Game Tailgate, Off Campus Grad Night, spring mixer).
To provide regular interactions by provideing frequent, medium-sized events (movie night, lottery dinner, craft night).
To provide a forum for discussion of important issues and to provide for more intimate social settings, we host seminars and lottery dinners with discussions on specific topics.
From a planning perspective, we want to make events systematic and routine so that they can be thrown with limited resources and can be easily reproduced in future years. The event index and handbook on this web page are part of this effort.
We want to provide help (publicity, logistics, labor) and encouragement to any CA's or student groups who are interested in organizing events that draw from the entire graduate population.
How to Contact Us
Karen Powroznik, Co-Chair
Will Kuykendall, Co-Chair