Example 5.4
Crank-Nicolson for the Heat Equation
close all; N = 21; L = 1; alpha = 1; dx = L/(N-1); X = linspace(0,1,N)'; % initial condition T = sin(pi*X);
Spatial derivative operator
A = gallery('tridiag',N-2,1,-2,1);
inhomogeneous term
f = @(t) (pi^2-1)*exp(-t)*sin(pi*X(2:N-1));
Time advancement
Must solve the system
g = @(t,dt,T) (speye(N-2)-alpha*dt/2/(dx^2)*A)\(T(2:N-1)+ ...
alpha*dt/2/(dx^2)*A*T(2:N-1) + dt*(f(t)+f(t+dt))/2);
Stable run
dt = 0.05; % time step t_final = 2.0; % final time time = 0:dt:t_final; % time array pt = [0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0]; % desired plot times pn = length(pt); % number of desired plots pc = 1; % plot counter rt = zeros(1,pn); S = zeros(N,pn); % solution storage for t = time % plot storage if ( t >= pt(pc) ) S(:,pc) = T; rt(pc) = t; pc = pc + 1; if (pc > pn) break end end % time advancement T(2:N-1) = g(t,dt,T); end
Plot stable run
figure(1) plot(X,S,'LineWidth',1) xlabel('x','FontSize',14) ylabel('T(x)','FontSize',14) legend('t = 0.0','t = 0.5','t = 1.0','t = 1.5','t = 2.0') axis([0 1 0 1.1]) ax = gca; set(ax,'XTick',[0 .25 .5 .75 1]) set(ax,'YTick',[0 .25 .5 .75 1]) grid on