Eric Darve

Eric Darve

Center for Turbulence Research
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305

Phone:  650-725-2560


Darve's research is focused on the development of numerical methods for large scale scientific computing with applications in bio-molecular simulations, acoustics, electromagnetics, and microfluidics. In these applications, the computational expense of simulating large and complex systems is very significant and in many instances beyond current computer capabilities. Professor Darve is developing innovative numerical techniques to reduce this computational expense and enable the simulation of complex systems over realistic time scales. Examples of numerical techniques include: the fast multipole method, the adaptive biasing force method (free energy of proteins and bio-molecules), and multiscale time integrators. This is applied, among other things, to computing and solving generalized Langevin equation, Fokker-Planck equations, reaction rates, and studying rare events in molecular systems. Professor Darve has also an activity in computer science in which he uses processors with novel architectures, such as GPUs, and the Cell processor, for scientific computing. Applications range from particle simulation to fluid dynamics and solving partial differential equations.


Selected Journal Publications

Current Ph.D. Students

Name Research Area
Cris Cecka Streaming computing, graphics cards, fast multipole method
Erich Elsen Streaming computing, graphics cards, fluid dynamics, domain specific languages
William Fong Multi-scale time integrators, fast multipole method
Amir-Ali Kia Protein modeling, free energy, reaction pathways, fast multipole method
Song Li Computational linear algebra, sparse matrices, quantum mechanics
Arvind Saibaba Microfluidics
Jose Solomon Molecular dynamics, empirical force fields, quantum mechanics, Barium Titanate, crystals

Ph.D. Graduates

Name Year Current Employment