linear_scale How To

Upload a Bulk Fund Transfer in iJournals

Upload of bulk fund transfers to the iJournal system is enabled during certain periods of the fiscal year for individuals who have been granted special access to this functionality by the University Budget Office (UBO).

Upload a Bulk Fund Transfer in iJournals

Verify if you have the "SU iJournals Central Bulk Fund Transfers" authority to upload bulk fund transfers. The Bulk Fund Transfer Status area on your home page of iJournals and the Upload Bulk Fund Transfer link will be available under the Feeder/Upload link in the left column of the screen.


  1. Create your bulk fund transfer file using the Bulk Fund Transfer Excel Template

    Upload Template
    •  Template will be provided to those granted access to create bulk fund transfers
    •  Formatting stays the same
    •  Feeder Id represents the budget unit
    •  Object code should be omitted
    •  You only need one END and one EOF at the very end


  2. Save it to your hard drive
    • If you are saving the file to a PC, save the spreadsheet as a tab-delimited text file.
    • If you are saving to a MAC, save the upload spreadsheet as a text (Windows) file.

  1. Select the Upload Bulk Fund Transfer link
    The Policy for Bulk Fund Transfers page appears.
  2. Attest to the appropriateness of the fund transfer by checking the boxes to certify each required condition
  3. Select Next
  4. On the Upload a File screen, select Browse... to choose the file
  5. Select Upload

If the Bulk Fund Transfer file is correctly formatted, the Uploaded File screen appears showing the file was accepted for processing. Bulk fund transfer batches have keys beginning with "ijb" (different from regular iJournals, which have prefix "ij").

  1. Confirm that the file name shown as uploaded is the correct file
  2. Select Home to review the status of this Bulk FT batch
  3. On the home page, in the Bulk Fund Transfer Status area, the transfer appears with a status of SAVED
What Happens Next?
  • A background process will validate the data.
  • Validated files will be immediately routed to Fund Accounting for approval.
  • Once a validated file is approved by Fund Accounting, a background process will split the file into its constituent Fund Transfers (two lines each). The Bulk Fund Transfer will then show status TRANSFERRED.
  • Files that are invalid will show status INVALID. Select the INVALID link in the Bulk Fund Transfer Status area on the home page to review invalid lines. The screen will show up to 25 invalid lines in a file, and will indicate if there are more than 25 lines. Select Excel to download the full list.
Last Updated: Aug 8, 2020


S&RO (Systems and Reporting Operations)
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