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Rmpi is R with MPI support (see SFOtoHKGin5min for an introduction to MPI). On the barley the main MPI environment is OpenMPI. Rmpi can be installed from CRAN packages if you wish to have the latest version. As a convenience Rmpi_0.5-9 is installed on the barley in /farmshare/software/. The setup section following this one will describe how to setup Rmpi so that you may submit jobs to the barley cluster.


grid engine submit script (rmpi.submit)

#$ -cwd 
#$ -j y 
#$ -S /bin/bash 
#$ -N rmpi4
#$ -pe orte 4

awk '{ for (i=0; i < $2; ++i) { print $1} }' $PE_HOSTFILE > $tmphosts 

echo "Got $NSLOTS slots"
echo "jobid $JOB_ID"

mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $tmphosts /farmshare/software/free/r/R-3.1.2/bin/R --no-save -q < Rmpitest.R

Save following as .Rprofile. This should be in the current directory from where you submit your Rmpi jobs

# This R profile can be used when a cluster does not allow spawning or a job 
# scheduler is required to launch any parallel jobs. Saving this file as 
# .Rprofile in the working directory or root directory. For unix platform, run 
# mpirexec -n [cpu numbers] R --no-save -q 
# For windows platform with mpich2, use mpiexec wrapper and specify a working 
# directory where .Rprofile is inside. 
# Cannot be used as Rprofile.site because it will not work

# Following system libraries are not loaded automatically. So manual loads are 
# needed.


if (!invisible(library(Rmpi,logical.return = TRUE))){
    warning("Rmpi cannot be loaded")
    q(save = "no")

options(error=quote(assign(".mpi.err", FALSE, env = .GlobalEnv)))

if (mpi.comm.size(0) > 1)

if (mpi.comm.rank(0) > 0){
    .comm <- 1
    if (is.loaded("mpi_comm_disconnect")) 
    else mpi.comm.free(.comm)
if (mpi.comm.rank(0)==0) {
    if(mpi.comm.size(0) > 1)

.Last <- function(){
    if (is.loaded("mpi_initialize")){
        if (mpi.comm.size(1) > 1){
            print("Please use mpi.close.Rslaves() to close slaves")
    print("Please use mpi.quit() to quit R")

Here is a very short R program. Save this as Rmpitest.R

# Tell all slaves to return a message identifying themselves
mpi.remote.exec(paste(Sys.info()[c("nodename")],"checking in as",mpi.comm.rank(),"of",mpi.comm.size()))

# Tell all slaves to close down, and exit the program


If you look at the first few lines of rmpi.submit you will see -pe orte 64. This indicates to grid engine to allocate 64 slots, across any hosts. The driver R script (Rmiptest.R above) is executed on the master (rank 0) process and the slaves all wait for instructions.

To see it in action, submit the job:

bishopj@corn14:/mnt/glusterfs/bishopj$ qsub rmpi.submit
Your job 81714 ("rmpi32") has been submitted
bishopj@corn14:/mnt/glusterfs/bishopj$ cat rmpi32.o81714
Got 64 slots
jobid 81714

master  (rank 0 , comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley19 
slave1  (rank 1 , comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley19 
slave2  (rank 2 , comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley19 
slave3  (rank 3 , comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley19 
... ... ...
slave62 (rank 62, comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley16 
slave63 (rank 63, comm 1) of size 64 is running on: barley16 
> # Tell all slaves to return a message identifying themselves
> mpi.remote.exec(paste(Sys.info()[c("nodename")],"checking in as",mpi.comm.rank(),"of",mpi.comm.size()))
[1] "barley19.stanford.edu checking in as 1 of 64"

[1] "barley19.stanford.edu checking in as 2 of 64"

[1] "barley19.stanford.edu checking in as 3 of 64"

[1] "barley13.stanford.edu checking in as 4 of 64"

[1] "barley13.stanford.edu checking in as 5 of 64"

[1] "barley13.stanford.edu checking in as 6 of 64"

[1] "barley13.stanford.edu checking in as 7 of 64"

[1] "barley17.stanford.edu checking in as 8 of 64"

[1] "barley17.stanford.edu checking in as 9 of 64"

[1] "barley17.stanford.edu checking in as 10 of 64"

[1] "barley17.stanford.edu checking in as 11 of 64"

[1] "barley12.stanford.edu checking in as 12 of 64"

[1] "barley12.stanford.edu checking in as 13 of 64"

[1] "barley12.stanford.edu checking in as 14 of 64"

[1] "barley12.stanford.edu checking in as 15 of 64"

[1] "barley06.stanford.edu checking in as 16 of 64"

[1] "barley06.stanford.edu checking in as 17 of 64"

[1] "barley06.stanford.edu checking in as 18 of 64"

[1] "barley06.stanford.edu checking in as 19 of 64"

[1] "barley10.stanford.edu checking in as 20 of 64"

[1] "barley10.stanford.edu checking in as 21 of 64"

[1] "barley10.stanford.edu checking in as 22 of 64"

[1] "barley10.stanford.edu checking in as 23 of 64"

[1] "barley08.stanford.edu checking in as 24 of 64"

[1] "barley08.stanford.edu checking in as 25 of 64"

[1] "barley08.stanford.edu checking in as 26 of 64"

[1] "barley08.stanford.edu checking in as 27 of 64"

[1] "barley07.stanford.edu checking in as 28 of 64"

[1] "barley07.stanford.edu checking in as 29 of 64"

[1] "barley07.stanford.edu checking in as 30 of 64"

[1] "barley07.stanford.edu checking in as 31 of 64"

[1] "barley04.stanford.edu checking in as 32 of 64"

[1] "barley04.stanford.edu checking in as 33 of 64"

[1] "barley04.stanford.edu checking in as 34 of 64"

[1] "barley04.stanford.edu checking in as 35 of 64"

[1] "barley09.stanford.edu checking in as 36 of 64"

[1] "barley09.stanford.edu checking in as 37 of 64"

[1] "barley09.stanford.edu checking in as 38 of 64"

[1] "barley09.stanford.edu checking in as 39 of 64"

[1] "barley11.stanford.edu checking in as 40 of 64"

[1] "barley11.stanford.edu checking in as 41 of 64"

[1] "barley11.stanford.edu checking in as 42 of 64"

[1] "barley18.stanford.edu checking in as 43 of 64"

[1] "barley18.stanford.edu checking in as 44 of 64"

[1] "barley18.stanford.edu checking in as 45 of 64"

[1] "barley03.stanford.edu checking in as 46 of 64"

[1] "barley03.stanford.edu checking in as 47 of 64"

[1] "barley03.stanford.edu checking in as 48 of 64"

[1] "barley15.stanford.edu checking in as 49 of 64"

[1] "barley15.stanford.edu checking in as 50 of 64"

[1] "barley15.stanford.edu checking in as 51 of 64"

[1] "barley20.stanford.edu checking in as 52 of 64"

[1] "barley20.stanford.edu checking in as 53 of 64"

[1] "barley20.stanford.edu checking in as 54 of 64"

[1] "barley14.stanford.edu checking in as 55 of 64"

[1] "barley14.stanford.edu checking in as 56 of 64"

[1] "barley14.stanford.edu checking in as 57 of 64"

[1] "barley01.stanford.edu checking in as 58 of 64"

[1] "barley01.stanford.edu checking in as 59 of 64"

[1] "barley01.stanford.edu checking in as 60 of 64"

[1] "barley16.stanford.edu checking in as 61 of 64"

[1] "barley16.stanford.edu checking in as 62 of 64"

[1] "barley16.stanford.edu checking in as 63 of 64"

> # Tell all slaves to close down, and exit the program
> mpi.close.Rslaves()
[1] 1
> mpi.quit()

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