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Using Mathematica on Farmshare:

  • I ssh with X11 forwarding:
 ssh -X
  • I load Mathematica env vars:
 module load mathematica

Check out the instructions for that module:

$ module help mathematica

------------------------------- Module Specific Help for "mathematica/9.0" --------------------------------
This is Mathematica v9.0

call math for CLI
call mcc for the compiler
call Mathematica for the GUI
  • I check which mathematica that points me to:
 which mathematica
  • I run mathematica GUI:

Or you can run 'math' for the CLI.

If you get a licensing error, check if you have a file ~/.Mathematica/Licensing, if you have a 'mathpass' file there, delete it.

We've had a report of Mathematica crashing on startup, and moving aside (or deleting) the .Mathematica directory in your homedir also resolved that.

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