Test Cases

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This page should have some "test cases" that users or sysadmins can run to verify the functionality of the barleys.

TC1: submit a job from a corn via /mnt/glusterfs

  1. cd /mnt/glusterfs/your_sunetid
  2. echo "hostname" | qsub -cwd
  3. qstat # check job status
  4. Check that the stderr output file is empty and the stdout output file contains the hostname of the machine that the job ran on

This test verifies that the shared filesystem is available and the job submission process works as expected.

TC2: submit a job from a corn with AUKS support

  1. kinit / klist -f # check that your ticket is forwardable
  2. aklog / tokens # check that you have an AFS token
  3. echo "hostname" | qsub
  4. qstat # check job status
  5. Check that the stderr output file is empty and the stdout output file contains the hostname of the machine that the job ran on

This test verifies that AUKS handles the Kerberos/AFS tickets/tokens correctly.

TC3: check memory tracking

R script:

$ cat R8GB.R 
x <- array(1:1073741824, dim=c(1024,1024,1024)) 
x <- gaussian(); 

submit script:

$ cat r_test.script

# use the current directory
#$ -cwd
# mail this address
#$ -M chekh@stanford.edu
# send mail on begin, end, suspend
#$ -m bes
# get rid of spurious messages about tty/terminal types
#$ -S /bin/sh

R --vanilla --no-save < R8GB.R 

  1. submit this job with 'qsub r_test.script' (with AUKS or not)
  2. check that you get an e-mail
  3. check that the e-mail correctly reports ~8GB maxvmem
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