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ANSYS v14.5

ANSYS v14.5 is installed. Update v14.5.1 is applied. To use it, try 'module avail' and module load ANSYS and 'which ansys145'.

The actual CLI software start script is:


Looks like if you want a GUI:


but if you executed the 'module load ANSYS' command, you should be able to just type ansys145 or launcher145.

In the launcher program, if you need to choose a license, use "ANSYS Academic Teaching Advanced".

ansys v14.5 example


'/tmp/highlight.css' was not created by highlight --fragment --syntax='sh' --style-outfile='/tmp/highlight.css' (dir=/tmp)

You need to specify a language like this: <source lang="html">...</source>

Supported languages for syntax highlighting:

abap4, abc, abnf, actionscript, ada, agda, algol, ampl, amtrix, applescript, arc, arm, as400cl, ascend, asp, aspect, assembler, ats, autohotkey, autoit, avenue, awk, bat, bbcode, bcpl, bibtex, biferno, bison, blitzbasic, bms, bnf, boo, c, ceylon, charmm, chill, clean, clearbasic, clipper, clojure, clp, cobol, coldfusion, crk, csharp, css, d, dart, diff, dylan, ebnf, eiffel, erlang, euphoria, express, fame, felix, fortran77, fortran90, frink, fsharp, fx, gambas, gdb, go, graphviz, haskell, haxe, hcl, html, httpd, icon, idl, idlang, inc_luatex, informix, ini, innosetup, interlis, io, jasmin, java, js, jsp, ldif, lhs, lilypond, limbo, lindenscript, lisp, logtalk, lotos, lotus, lua, luban, make, maple, matlab, maya, mercury, miranda, mod2, mod3, modelica, moon, ms, mssql, mxml, n3, nasal, nbc, nemerle, netrexx, nice, nsis, nxc, oberon, objc, ocaml, octave, oorexx, os, oz, paradox, pas, pdf, perl, php, pike, pl1, plperl, plpython, pltcl, pov, pro, progress, ps, ps1, psl, pure, pyrex, python, q, qmake, qu, r, rebol, rexx, rnc, rpg, rpl, ruby, s, sas, scala, scilab, sh, small, smalltalk, sml, snmp, snobol, spec, spn, sql, squirrel, sybase, tcl, tcsh, tex, ts, tsql, ttcn3, txt, upc, vala, vb, verilog, vhd, xml, xpp, yaiff, yang, znn

ANSYS v13.0

Old ANSYS: we have /usr/sweet/bin/ansys, which currently errors out with:

$ /usr/sweet/bin/ansys 


Failover feature 'ANSYS Academic Teaching Introductory' specified in license preferences is not available.
Feature aa_t_i does not exist in the ANSYSLI pool.
Feature has expired.
Feature:       aa_t_i
Expire date:   26-jan-2013
License path:
FLEXnet Licensing error:-10,32
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "".
 *** ERROR - ANSYS license not available.

 DATA INPUT WRITTEN ON /afs/                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

+--------------------- A N S Y S   S T A T I S T I C S ------------------------+

Release: 13.0       UP20101012   Version: LINUX x64   
Date Run: 02/13/2013   Time: 09:49
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