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From FarmShare

Revision as of 13:59, 20 October 2011 by Chekh (Talk | contribs)
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This wiki is intended for the users of the Stanford shared research computing resources. E.g. the "cardinal" and "corn" and "barley" machines.


How to connect

The machines are available for anyone with a SUNetID. Simply "ssh" with your SUNetID credentials. The DNS name "" actually goes to a load balancer and it will connect you to a particular corn machine that has relatively low load.

The "barley" machines are only accessible via a resource manager (currently Open GridEngine). You'll need to ssh to corn-image-new and e-mail barley-alpha to get a test directory created for you.

Monitoring / Status

Current status of farmshare machines:

Mailing Lists

We have several mailing lists, all, most are not used.

  • barley-alpha - temp list till end of Oct/Nov 2011, for discussion around testing the barleys
  • farmshare-announce - announce list (new service name)
  • farmshare-discuss - users discussion (new service name)
  • stanford-timeshare-users - users discussion list for the corn users, list to be retired

Getting started with MediaWiki

Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.

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