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From FarmShare

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This wiki is intended for the users of FarmShare, one of the Stanford shared research computing environments. It comprises the "cardinal", "corn", and "barley" machines. For a general description of this service, and Stanford's shared computing policies, see the main service catalog page. Note that the Corn and Barley systems are largely intended for the use of students for course assignments and small-scale thesis work, and for new researchers as a place for proof-of-concept runs and work until external funding is obtained for infrastructure or services to support more demanding work.

Please note that this system is not HIPAA compliant and should not be used to process any PHI nor PII; it is only acceptable for low risk data per Stanford's data classification scheme.

Also, if you are a course instructor recommending that your students use Farmshare for assignments, any additional open source software requests for your class should be made at least three weeks in advance of the start of the quarter. Requests should be sent by the instructor to . We are not staffed to accommodate students' requests for new versions of software and libraries, nor new tools, during the quarter. Farmshare users can install their own tools, of course.

Most useful pages:

Last 10 messages on Farmshare-Discuss mail list (this month)


    System Status

    System is currently fully operational. Last outage was Sun May 10 3-9PM. Next Maintenance August 31st 2016 from 9am-5pm.

    Please note that GSSAPIKeyExchange support in ssh on OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), released September 30, 2015, appears to be broken. A typical error message is:

     ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to unexpected internal error

    You can work around the problem by disabling the option:

     ssh -o GSSAPIKeyExchange=no

    How to connect

    The machines are available for anyone with a fully sponsored SUNetID (which includes email and AFS space). Simply "ssh" with your SUNetID credentials. The DNS name "" actually goes to a load balancer and it will connect you to a particular corn machine (e.g. corn21) that has relatively low load.

    corn SSH fingerprint is:

     RSA key fingerprint is 0b:e7:b4:95:03:c1:1e:07:df:04:ca:a2:3d:8e:e3:37.

    The "barley" machines are designed to be used for high performance computing (HPC) and only accessible via a resource manager (currently Open Grid Scheduler). You cannot log in directly, but you can submit jobs from any corn. Storage dedicated for jobs running on the barley cluster is available via /farmshare/user_data/ on all corn and barley nodes; it is considered scratch storage and is not backed up. Sign up and email the farmshare-discuss mailing list if you have any questions or would like any info not listed here.

    Duo Two-Factor

    Since Farmshare is open to the world, for extra security we use standard central Stanford two-factor authentication which uses the software from Duo Two-Factor( You will still need to have a valid Kerberos credential or password in addition to the second factor to authenticate. Once your Kerberos ticket or password is accepted, you will see a second authentication prompt from Duo. It will list device options regarding how to authenticate and you can either choose one, or just enter a passcode generated via the Duo mobile app at the prompt. After a successful second factor authentication you will be greeted with the FarmShare message of the day (motd).

    In order to avoid having to 'Duo' every time you want to open a new terminal to corn we have a work around for non-Windows users. Add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file on your local machine (not on FarmShare) to enable ControlMaster which will create a tunnel on your first login, and will re-use the same tunnel on subsequent connections, thus avoiding Duo after the initial connection. This will only work if you are logging into the same node to which the tunnel was established. Once you are logged onto a corn node, hopping(ssh) to any other corn will not require Duo again*.

    Host corn corn?? corn??
     ControlMaster auto
     ControlPath ~/.ssh/%r@%h:%p
     ControlPersist yes
    • If you use the 'PreferredAuthentications' options in your .ssh/config, you will need to add "gssapi-with-mic,hostbased" to the list of PreferredAuthentications OR use "ssh -oPreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,hostbased cornXX" from the command line to override the .ssh/config file.
    • Requires openssh 6.2 or later.

    SSH Tunnel Sharing on Windows

    See 'More 3rd Party App Information' link above.

    How to get help

    email support

    • You can e-mail
      • If you're e-mailing about a barley job, please mention that it's on barley and the job number.

    SMACC office hours

    • You can come to office hours. Spring 2016 Fridays noon-2PM at Huang basement in front of ICME door:
      • Have a computational or statistical problem that you need help with? Or maybe you have an account on Farmshare or Proclus, and so now what? You have a boatload of data to make sense of, but how? Wonder where you can do your research project, and who can help you? You know what you want to do – but how best to do it, you just aren’t sure. Help is here in the form of SMACC – Stat, Math, Algorithmic and Computational Consulting! Technical consultants from ICME, Research Computing, Statistics and IRiSS will be available to work with youin the basement of Huang (in front of ICME). One stop shopping for your scientific computing needs. Rather than poke around web sites and send mail to multiple groups, drop by to catch all of us at once.
      • Details are at SMACC

    Alternatively, the SSDS campus group can provide one on one guidance for R, SAS and Stata. Please contact them directly if you have any questions about using those particular software packages.


    Hardware Resources

    cardinal info

    The "cardinal" machines are small VMs intended for long-running processes (on the order of days) that are not resource intensive, e.g. mail/chat clients. You could log in to a cardinal and run a screen/tmux session there to do things on other machines.

    Simply "ssh" with your SUNetID credentials.

    There are currently 3 cardinal machines: cardinal1, cardinal2 and cardinal3, load-balanced via

    Things you can do on cardinal:

    • text based email clients
    • transfer files to and from AFS and your desktop
    • access command line utilities

    corn info

    The "corn" machines are general-purpose Ubuntu boxes for research and education, and you can run whatever you want on them (so long as you don't negatively impact other users and the work you are doing is directly connected to the university's academic or research mission). Please read the policies and the motd first.

    Simply "ssh" with your SUNetID credentials.

    There are 10 newer corn machines (128G RAM), 20 older corn machines (32G RAM), and 10 oldest corn machines (24G RAM).

    Things you can do on corn:

    • email to stanford addresses only. for general text based email please use the cardinal
    • access command line utilities
    • access desktop environment via VNC
    • access developer toolchains (c/c++/java/python/go/julia/etc)
    • run licensed software (mathematica/stata/matlab/gaussian/sas/etc) as described here
    • submit jobs to the Barley cluster
    • basically anything you would do on a desktop Ubuntu system

    other info:

    rye info


    The "rye" machines are general purpose Ubuntu (same as corn) but have Nvidia GPU's.

    Things you can do on rye:

    • anything you can do on a corn
    • run CUDA 6.0/OpenCL programs (text based or GUI)
    • run 3D graphics programs such as PyMOL ------>

    barley info

    The "barley" machines are general-purpose newer Ubuntu boxes that can run jobs that you submit via the resource manager software. You should not log in to any barley directly, but can do so to troubleshoot your jobs.

    Things you can do on barley:

    • cpu intensive jobs
    • large memory jobs (up to 192GB)
    • lots of cpu intensive jobs
    • thousands of cpu intensive jobs

    Examples of using the barley cluster

    1. Introductory examples:
      1. Flac Like a Boss
      2. Cheap Flights
      3. San Francisco to Hong Kong in 5 minutes
      4. Monte Carlo Simulations in Matlab
    1. R
    2. MATLAB
    3. Access Mysql from Matlab
    4. MPI Abinit
    5. Rmpi
    6. Gaussian
    7. Ipython
    8. ANSYS
    9. OpenFOAM
    10. Gaussview: Automated Submission Script Creation & Submission

    FarmShare software

    questions or requests about installed software

    If you have a question or request about the installed software on FarmShare please email us: . Also, if you are a course instructor recommending that your students use Farmshare for assignments, any additional open source software requests for your class should be made at least three weeks in advance of the start of the quarter. Requests should be sent by the instructor to . We are not staffed to accommodate students' requests for new versions of software and libraries, nor new tools, during the quarter. Farmshare users can install their own tools, of course.

    questions about how to use installed software

    If you need help on usage we would suggest:

    • FarmShare mail list. FarmShare maillist has hundreds of other FarmShare users. It is quite likely somebody will be able to help. Please e-mail the FarmShare user community
    • SMACC. SMACC office hours is an excellent place to start if you would like to discuss or ask a question in-person. see SMACC

    stock software

    The FarmShare machines are running Ubuntu 14.04, and the software is from the Ubuntu repositories, e.g. run dpkg -l | grep ^i to see the list of installed packages.

    If the package you're looking for isn't installed, search the Ubuntu Packages page and email us at . Also, if you are a course instructor recommending that your students use Farmshare for assignments, any additional open source software requests for your class should be made at least three weeks in advance of the start of the quarter. Requests should be sent by the instructor to . We are not staffed to accommodate students' requests for new versions of software and libraries, nor new tools, on short notice. We will do our best to accommondate new installations within three weeks of request. Farmshare users can install their own tools, of course.

    licensed software

    In addition to Ubuntu packages, the following packages are installed and are available via the "module" command:

    See FarmShare_software for detailed examples.

    $ module avail
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /farmshare/software/free/lmod-5.0-install/lmod/lmod/modulefiles/Core ------------------------------------------------------------------------
       lmod/lmod    settarg/settarg
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /farmshare/software/mf/trusty --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       R/3.1.2                ansys/17.1        (D)    cuda/7.5                  (D)    gurobi/6.5           (D)    matlab/r2014b                relion/1.4                       statamp/12.1
       R/3.2.1                biopython/1.6.5          cudasamples/6.0                  hisat2/2.0.2                matlab/r2015a                rosetta/3.5                      statamp/13
       R/3.3.0         (D)    bowtie2/2.2.6            cudnn/6.0                        intel/XE_2013sp1            matlab/r2015b                rstudio/0.98.953                 statamp/14        (D)
       abinit/7.10.4          bowtie2/2.2.7     (D)    cufflinks/2.2.1                  intel/2016           (D)    matlab/r2016a         (D)    sagemath/5.11                    statase/12.1
       acml/5.3.1             caffe/cpu         (D)    farmvnc/0.3.1                    java/1.8                    meep/1.2.1                   sas/9.4                          statase/13
       allinea/5.0            caffe/gpu                fiji/fiji                        lemon/1.7.9                 meep/1.3              (D)    seaborn/0.7.0             (D)    statase/14        (D)
       ampl/20120629          celltool/1.5             gams/24.1                        lifelines/           meta/1.6                     sentaurus/H_2013.03-SP1          stattransfer/12
       ampl/20150630   (D)    cplex/cplex.log          gams/24.4                        maple/maple2016             openfoam/2.4.0               sentaurus/I-2013.12-SP2          stattransfer/13   (D)
       amplgurobi             cplex/12.4               gams/24.7                 (D)    mathematica/9.0             parallel/20150322            sentaurus/J-2014.09-SP2          tophat/2.1.1
       ansys/HFSS             cplex/12.6.1      (D)    gaussian/g09D.01gview50   (D)    mathematica/10.0            pyrosetta/release24          sentaurus/K-2015.06-SP2   (D)    torch/7
       ansys/14.5             cuda/6.0                 gaussian/g09gview50              mathematica/10.0.2   (D)    r/3.1.2                      sicstus/4.0.7                    xmipp/3.1
       ansys/16.0             cuda/6.5                 gaussian/g09sse4gview50          matlab/r2013b               r/3.2.1                      spectra/4.4
       ansys/16.2             cuda/7.0                 gurobi/5.6                       matlab/r2014a               r/3.3.0               (D)    sratoolkit/2.4.5
       (D):  Default Module
    See for description of how to use modules.
    A few commands to get you started:
    To load latest version of matlab: module load matlab
    You can load a specific version by: module load matlab/r2012b or module load MATLAB-R2012b
    or to find out more information for a package: module spider matlab

    Monitoring / Status

    You probably want to try these commands:

     qstat -g c #cluster slots summary by queue
     qhost -F mem_free #show available memory on each host
     qstat -f -u \* #show all jobs in the system

    For important announcements, we plan to:

    • add it to this wiki
    • modify /etc/motd on the corn machines
    • send a mail to farmshare-discuss

    Mailing Lists

    We have mailing lists, -


    Want to learn HPC? Free education materials available:

    FarmShare has GPUs, but if you need to scale up to a cluster ICME is an excellent resource:

    Other GPU resources are:

    Other similar wikis/clusters on campus (you might not have access to these):


    The Farmshare resources are being made available to students, faculty and staff with fully sponsored SunetIDs to facilitate research at Stanford University.  This resource is designed so that those doing research will have a place to experiment and learn about technical solutions to assist in reaching their research goals without needing to write a grant for a cluster.  The Farmshare resources are focused on making it easier to learn how to parallelize research computing tasks and use research software including a "scheduler" or "distributed resource management system" to submit compute jobs.

    By using Farmshare, new researchers can more easily adapt to using larger clusters when they have big projects that involve using federally funded resources, shared Stanford clusters, or on a small grant funded cluster.

    Personal tools