Talk:Alpine and Mutt

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Revision as of 10:00, 30 July 2015 by Davies (Talk | contribs)
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I can't get the directions for Alpine to work in Linux/Ubuntu. I am using Re-Alpine (2010 version). I am replacing my SUNET ID for USER in the directions. After being prompted a few times for my SUNET password and typing it in, I get: "[Can not authenticate to IMAP server: AUTHENTICATE failed.]" Davies 19:10, 28 July 2015 (PDT)

  • We were able to resolve this today (two days after the migration) by discovering that the instructions are wrong. The $ and {} characters around USER should not be there. Not sure this applies to everyone so I will wait for IT staff to edit the article itself.Davies 09:52, 30 July 2015 (PDT)

New problem now that I have the Inbox visible in Alpine. The "Message to save shrank" bug. See Waiting for a solution and will post it here.Davies 09:52, 30 July 2015 (PDT)

Another problem: Office 365's Inbox reorders messages to they are not in chronological order. Major usability problem. I will post follow-up here.Davies 10:00, 30 July 2015 (PDT)

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