Python loop

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Chekh (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with "Example of using python to submit jobs <pre> For python, (or anything really) it's best to use getopt to handle command line arguments. But I don't do it here: [chekh@scorn.sta...")

Latest revision as of 16:41, 30 September 2015

Example of using python to submit jobs

For python, (or anything really) it's best to use getopt to handle command line arguments. But I don't do it here:

[] ~ [0]
$ cat
import sys

print ("received this many arguments: ", len(sys.argv))

# argument 0 is the command itself usually

for i in xrange(len(sys.argv)):
print("Argument # %d : %s" % (i, str(sys.argv[i])))

[] ~ [0]
$ python -c one -b two
('received this many arguments: ', 5)
Argument # 0 :
Argument # 1 : -c
Argument # 2 : one
Argument # 3 : -b
Argument # 4 : two
[] ~ [0]
$ cat
import os
import sys

if 2 != len(sys.argv):
print "only want one argument, exiting"

# argument 0 is the command itself usually

for i in range(0, int(sys.argv[1])):
#print out a job file
jobfilename = "job" + str(i) + ".job"
f = open(jobfilename, 'w')
s = """
#$ -S /bin/bash

# set the name of the job; this will appear in the job listing
#$ -N python_job

# set the maximum memory usage (per slot)
#$ -l mem_free=2G
# on other clusters this memory resource may have a different name

# set the number of slots, replace '1' with a larger number if needed
#$ -pe shm 1
# on other clusters this pe may have a different name

# set the maximum run time, hh:mm:ss, default is 48hrs on FarmShare
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00

# check for errors in the job submission options
#$ -w e

# join the stdout and stderr streams into one file
#$ -j y

python hello
#submit the job file
commandstring = 'qsub -cwd ' + jobfilename
print commandstring
[] ~ [0]
$ python 5
qsub -cwd job0.job
sh: qsub: command not found
qsub -cwd job1.job
sh: qsub: command not found
qsub -cwd job2.job
sh: qsub: command not found
qsub -cwd job3.job
sh: qsub: command not found
qsub -cwd job4.job
sh: qsub: command not found
[] ~ [0]

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