Automated Submission Script Creation & Submission

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Line 6: Line 6:
qsubl &lt;JobFile(s).com&gt;<br>  
qsubl &lt;JobFile(s).com&gt;<br>  
<source lang=sh>#!/bin/bash
#Replaces com with script for all JobFile(s)
#Replaces com with script for all JobFile(s)
Line 20: Line 20:
     qsub $file.script
     qsub $file.script
Line 57: Line 57:
Job will be submitted to Barley  
Job will be submitted to Barley  
Will get error that log file is not found. Just ignore.&nbsp;
Will get error that log file is not found. Just ignore.&nbsp;
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;

Revision as of 10:41, 1 August 2012

Example script for automation of submission script creation and submission to qsub of multiple jobs or to submit directly from a program such as Gaussview.

Using example for gaussian calculation: Gaussian

qsubl <JobFile(s).com>


#Replaces com with script for all JobFile(s)
script_files=`echo "$*" | sed -e "s/\.com/.script /g"`

#Loops through all script file(s) to create submission script &amp; submits to cluter
for file in $script_files; do
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;echo "#!/bin/bash" &gt; $file.script
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;echo "#$ -N $file" &gt;&gt; $file.script
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;echo "#$ -cwd" &gt;&gt; $file.script
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;echo "#$ -pe fah 4" &gt;&gt; $file.script
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;echo '/usr/sweet/bin/g09 $ $JOB_NAME.log' &gt;&gt; $file.script

     qsub $file.script

To setup Gaussview to work with this script and submit jobs to Barley

File --> Preferences --> Gaussian Setup

Click Calculation

On Link 0 Tab 

Memory Limit Specify = 8 GB

Shared Processors Specify = 4

Click Retain

File --> Preferences --> Job Setup

Select Application: Gaussian

Command Line: qsubl @INFILE

Gaussian Calculation Setup

Setup Calculation and Click Submit

Save file as .com

Job will be submitted to Barley

Will get error that log file is not found. Just ignore. 

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