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We have a trial version of MATLAB Distributed Compute Server until 2011-12-25.
==example single matlab file run via qsub==
The standard MATLAB install in AFS now also has R2011b in addition to R2010b.
Here's our helloworld.m:
disp('Hello World');
You will need to write your MATLAB code to use the Parallel Computing Toolbox before using the Distributed Computing Server.
Here's a command to run that.
  /afs/ -nodesktop < helloworld.m
Here's how to write a job using MDCS:
We want to run this same command via the job scheduling system. Let's write a job script.
You can use the "maxNumCompThreads" command (deprecated) to see how many parallel threads you can run.  I get "24" on barley, or "8" on corn.
==simple PCT run==
/afs/ -nodesktop -r 'maxNumCompThreads'
$ cat matlab_example.script
>> matlabpool ( 'open', 'local', 8)
#$ -N matlab_example
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' configuration ... connected to 8 labs.
#$ -m bes
#$ -M
>> matlabpool size
ans =
/afs/ -nodesktop < /afs/ir/users/c/h/chekh/helloworld.m
Then use 'parfor' instead of 'for'.
matlabpool of size 0 and size 1 are effectively the same, except the latter uses a PCT toolbox license.
Submit the script:
  qsub matlab_example.script
Here are some training slides and example code that I copied from
Look at the job status:
==example single matlab file run==
You should get output files like matlab_example.script.eXXXXX and matlab_example.script.oXXXXX
Here's our helloworld.m:
disp('Hello World');
Here's a command to run that.
  /afs/ -nodesktop < helloworld.m

Revision as of 13:36, 18 January 2012

example single matlab file run via qsub

Here's our helloworld.m:

disp('Hello World');

Here's a command to run that.

 /afs/ -nodesktop < helloworld.m

We want to run this same command via the job scheduling system. Let's write a job script.

$ cat matlab_example.script

#$ -N matlab_example
#$ -m bes
#$ -M

/afs/ -nodesktop < /afs/ir/users/c/h/chekh/helloworld.m

Submit the script:

 qsub matlab_example.script

Look at the job status:


You should get output files like matlab_example.script.eXXXXX and matlab_example.script.oXXXXX

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