EFMH Autumn Quarter Colloquia
mondays 12:15 pm | y2e2 bldg, room 101| brown bag lunches are welcome

September 29
Hubert J. Morel-Seytoux
Emeritus Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University
"Description of Stream-Aquifer Interaction for Large Scale Management"

October 6
Mark W. Denny
Department of Marine Sciences
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA
"Worst Case Scenarios: Predicting Extreme Events in a Variable Environment"

October 13
Steven R. Ramp
CeNCOOS Program Director
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA
Title TBA

October 20
EFMH Program Introductions

October 27
John L. Largier
Department of Environmental Science & Policy
Bodega Marine Laboratory
University of California, Davis
Title TBA

November 3
EFMH Program Introductions, Continued

November 10
Susan S. Hubbard
Staff Scientist and Program Head
Environmental Remediation Program
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
"Monitoring the Physical and Geochemical Evolution of Subsurface
Systems during Remediation using Geophysical Methods"

November 17
Melanie Fewings
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Marine Science Institute
University of California, Santa Barbara
"Cross-Shelf Flow on the Inner Continental Shelf Driven by
Cross-Shelf Wind and Surface Gravity Waves"

November 24
Thanksgiving Break

December 1
Yorum Rubin
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Berkeley
"A Change in Paradigm: 25 Years After Kitanidis and Vomvoris (1983)"








waves collage courtesy of john crimaldi

sponsored by: the enviromental fluid mechanics and hydrology program,
department of civil and environmental engineering, stanford university