to the web page site containing the overhead color slides for the textbook, "Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science and Regulation,"
by M. Z. Jacobson, published
by Cambridge University Press, New York (2002).
This textbook provides an introduction to the history and science of major air pollution issues. The book begins with an introduction to the history of discovery of chemicals in the atmosphere, and then moves on to a discussion of the evolution of the earth's atmosphere, and the structure and composition of the present-day atmosphere. It then discusses five major atmospheric pollution topics: urban outdoor air pollution, indoor air pollution, acid deposition, stratospheric ozone depletion, and global climate change. The book contains numerous student examples and problems and over 200 color illustrations and photographs. It may serve as an introductory textbook for a range of undergraduate and graduate courses on atmospheric pollution. It also provides information for researchers and an introduction to the subject of air pollution for general audiences.
The text is 399 pages long and is now in print and available from the Cambridge
University Press website.
Solutions to the homework problems in the back of each chapter are available
by email from the author (jacobson@stanford.edu).
Corrections to date (link).
The 2012 second edition of this text can be found here (link).
Please submit any questions by email to jacobson@stanford.edu
PowerPoint slides by
Chapter 1 - Basics
and History of Discovery of Atmospheric Chemicals (pptx)
Chapter 2 - The Sun, the Earth,
and the Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere (pptx)
Chapter 3 - Structure and Composition
of the Present-Day Atmosphere (pptx)
Chapter 4 - Urban Air Pollution
Chapter 5 - Aerosol-Particles
in Smog and the Global Environment (pptx)
Chapter 6 - Effects of Meteorology
on Air Pollution (pptx)
Chapter 7 - Effects of Pollution
on Visibility, UV Radiation, and Atmospheric Optics (pptx)
Chapter 8 - International Regulation
of Urban Smog Since the 1940's (pptx)
Chapter 9 - Indoor Air Pollution
Chapter 10 - Acid Deposition
Chapter 11 - Global Stratospheric
Ozone Reduction (pptx)
Chapter 12 - The Greenhouse Effect
and Global Warming (pptx)