1) Effects of converting U.S. vehicles to hydrogen fuel cell
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P. 1904, paragraph 4, units of water vapor and carbon dioxide emission should
all be in megatonnes (four times) rather than "metric tons" or "tons".
Supporting material published online with the Science article (pdf)
2) Companion article, Colella, W.G., M.Z.
Jacobson, D.M. Golden (2005) Journal of Power Sources, 150, 150-181. (pdf)
3) Effects of wind-powered hydrogen fuel cell vehicles
on stratospheric ozone and global climate (2008) Geophysical Research Letters (pdf)
Supplementary Material (pdf). Reaction list (pdf)
4) Hou, P., P. Enevoldsen, J. Eichman, W. Hu, M.Z. Jacobson, and Z. Chen, Optimizing investments in coupled offshore wind-electrolytic hydrogen storage systems in Denmark (2017) J. Power Sources (pdf)
5) Xu, X., W. Hu , D. Cao, Q Huang, W. Liu, M. Z. Jacobson, and Z. Chen, Optimal operational strategy for an offgrid hybrid hydrogen/electricity refueling station powered by solar photovoltaics (2020) J. Power Sources (pdf)
6) Howarth, R.W., and M.Z. Jacobson, How green is blue hydrogen (2021) Energy Science and Engineering (pdf)
7) Katalenich, S.M., and M.Z. Jacobson, Toward battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell military vehicles for land, air, and sea (2022) Energy (pdf)
8) Jacobson, M.Z., A.-K. von Krauland, K. Song, and A.N. Krull, Impacts of green hydrogen for steel, ammonia, and long-distance transport on the cost of meeting electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen demand in 145 countries running on 100% wind-water-solar (2023) Smart Energy (pdf)
9) Jacobson, M.Z., Batteries or hydrogen or both for grid electricity storage upon full electrification of 145 countries with wind-water solar? (2024) iScience (pdf)