On the energy, health, and climate costs of carbon-capture and direct-air-capture versus 100%-wind-water-solar climate policies in 149 countries (Environmental Science & Technology, 2025) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
No blackouts or cost increases due to 100% clean, renewable electricity powering California for parts of 98 days (Renewable Energy, 2025) (link to article)
Effects of firebricks for industrial process heat on the cost of matching all-sector energy demand with 100% wind-water-solar supply in 149 countries (PNAS Nexus, 2024) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
Batteries or hydrogen or both for grid electricity storage upon full electrification of 145 countries with wind-water solar? (iScience, 2024) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)Impacts of green hydrogen for steel, ammonia, and long-distance transport on the cost of meeting electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen demand in 145 countries running on 100% wind-water-solar (Smart Energy, 2023) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
Low-Cost Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Insecurity for 145 countries (Energy & Environmental Science, 2022) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
Zero air pollution and zero carbon from all energy at low cost and without blackouts in variable weather throughout the U.S. with 100% wind-water-solar (WWS) and storage (Renewable Energy, 2022) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
The cost of grid stability with 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes when countries are isolated versus interconnected (Renewable Energy, 2021) (pdf)(link to country infographics and spreadsheets)
On the correlation between building heat demand and wind energy supply and how it helps to avoid blackouts (Smart Energy, 2021) (pdf)
Impacts of Green New Deal energy plans on grid stability, costs, jobs, health, and climate in 143 countries (One Earth, 2019) (link to article, infographics, and spreadsheets)
Matching demand with supply at low cost in 139 countries among 20 world regions with 100% intermittent wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) for all purposes (Renewable Energy, 2018) (link)
A low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem over 48 contiguous U.S. states with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water, and solar for all purposes (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015) (pdf) Clarification (pdf)
----- Paper awarded Cozzarelli Prize from PNAS (link)
----- Reply to Bistline commentary (pdf) Reply to Clack commentary in journal format (pdf) Reply to Clack commentary line-by-line (pdf) Reply to Clack commentary for general readers (link) Response to Caldeira about hydro assumption (pdf) Reply to Bryce-National Review (link) Reply to Conca-Forbes (link) Reply to Porter-NYT (link) Interview-GreenTech Media (link) Setting Record Straight-CleanTechnica (link) Hydropower times series (xlsx)
----- Four experts find that (1) the Clack Authors published false facts, not scientific disagreements, that led to their main conclusions; (2) such false facts arose due to their not following due diligence; and (3) the Clack Paper "falls outside of the bounds of normal scientific debate'" (Expert 1A) (Expert 2A) (Expert 3A) (Expert 4A) The experts also declare that, by not consulting the Jacobson Authors about uncertainties (which is standard practice) and refusing to correct factual errors after being informed about them before and after publication (standard practice), that the errors were “dishonest,” “in bad faith,” “with reckless disregard for the truth,” “unethical,” “contrary to standard practice,” and/or made while “failing to follow due diligence.” Thus, they were “reckless” and a “departure from accepted practice,” NOT “honest errors” or mere “mistakes.” (Expert 1B) (Expert 2B) (Expert 3B) (Expert 4B)
----- Voluntary dismissal of Washington D.C. defamation case without prejudice (tif) FAQs about Washington D.C. defamation case and voluntary dismissal (pdf) DC Appellant brief on legal fee reimbursements (pdf) DC Appellant reply brief on legal fee reimbursements (pdf) DC Court of Appeals En Banc Petition on legal fee reimbursements (pdf)
----- CA Labor Commissioner ruling ordering Stanford to reimburse legal expenses in the D.C. case because "The writing and publishing of the Clack paper, to the extreme, tarnished Plaintiff’s reputation... As such, Plaintiff brought suit against Clack and PNAS, to remedy the damage caused by Clack stating false-facts in his paper,..." and defending his reputation was necessary for his job (pdf) CA Superior Court ruling against Stanford's request for Summary Judgment (pdf) FAQs about the D.C. and California cases (pdf)
----- My expert testimony response, on behalf of Our Children's Trust, in Juliana v. the United States, to U.S. government witnesses Herzog, Sweeney, Victor (pdf)
----- My expert testimony response, on behalf of Our Children's Trust, in Held v. Montana, to Montana witness Curry (pdf). My oral testimony (audio). Trial court decision in favor of the children plaintiffs (pdf).
----- My expert report (without attachments), on behalf of Our Children's Trust, in Navahine v. Hawai'i (pdf)
----- 100 peer-reviewed published research articles among 42 independent groups with over 250 different authors supporting the result that energy for electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, and/or industry can be supplied reliably with or near 100% renewable energy worldwide (pdf)
----- Paper on 739 peer-reviewed published research articles on 100% renewable energy (pdf)
----- Abstract of and links to all 26 100% WWS roadmap and grid reliability papers (pdf)
Combining wind, solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric to match contemporary power demand in California with 99.8% carbon-free sources (Renewable Energy, 2010) (pdf)Review of potential of intermittent renewables to meet power demand (Proceedings of IEEE, 2012) (pdf)
The carbon abatement potential of high penetration intermittent renewables (Energy and Environmental Science, 2012) (pdf)
Effects of aggregating electric load in the United States (Energy Policy, 2012) (pdf)
Variability and uncertainty of wind power in the California electric power system (Wind Energy, 2013) (pdf)
Optimized mixes of wind and solar on a fully-renewable U.S. electricity grid (Energy, 2014) (pdf)
Flexibility mechanisms and pathways to a highly renewable U.S. electricity future (Energy, 2016) (pdf)
Temporal and spatial tradeoffs in power system modeling with assumptions about storage: An application of the POWER model (Energy, 2016) (pdf)
Combining offshore wind and electrolytic hydrogen storage (J. Power Sources, 2017) (pdf)
Matching hourly and peak demand by combining renewables (Stanford VPUE Report, Hoste et al., 2009) (pdf)
Studies on combining wind and wave power (link)
Studies on powering the world, U.S., and individual states with wind, water, and sunlight (link)
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