Some Dahlia-Related Links of Interest

Dahlia 'Proche Ami', a red collarette type

American Dahlia Society
Articles, references, definitions, classification look up, and links to everything about dahlias. Find out if there is an active society near you. This is a great way to learn more about dahlias.
Monterey Bay Dahlia Society
Web site of the Monterey Peninsula, CA Dahlia Society
Dahlia Society of California
Web site of the San Francisco, CA Dahlia Society
John Stowell Dahlia Society
Web site of the San Jose Dahlia Society
Corralitos Gardens
Web site of the supplier of the Dahlias at Stock Farm
Dahlia Shows in the US
See if there's a show coming soon to your area (sponsored by the ADS)
Dahlia Dahlia Contacts A phone number and email address for registration info
The Growing World of Dahlias
An incredibly comprehensive encyclopedic website with links to every conceiveable reference, including Dahlia naming conventions, registrant information, and a list of over 50.000 cultivars with color, size, and registration information. One of the best Dahlia sites in the world!!
Dahlia Registrar Supplement

The Royal Horticultural Society handles the registration of new Dahlia cultivars; this page contains .pdf files of the more recent registrations.