CSLI Workshop
Perspectives on Modality
     The study of modality lies at the intersection of reasoning and natural language. In linguistic theory and in logic modality has received intensive study. In NLP it has recently become relevant, as the field is moving beyond the identification of events and their participants towards making inferences about the (likelihood of) occurrence or non-occurrence of events. This workshop assembles linguists, logicians and computer scientists to assess standard and non-standard models of the meaning and inferential properties of modal expressions and to discuss the potential compatibility of seemingly disparate formal frameworks and the way their results can be integrated in NLP.

This April 12, 2013 event is sponsored by
the Stanford Humanities Center
and organized by the "Language and Natural Reasoning" group at CSLI.

Earlier recent workshops on similar topics and organized by members of the same research group can be found here and here .

Last modified: Thursday, 21-Mar-2013 22:28:46 PDT

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