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Proceedings and Progress Reports

See also: Journal Papers, Refereed Conference Papers

Integrated RANS-LES Computations of Turbomachinery Components: Generic Compressor/Diffuser, J. U. Schlüter, X. Wu, S. Kim, J. J. Alonso, H. Pitsch, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2003:357-368.

Advanced Signal Processing for Integrated LES-RANS Simulations: Anti-Aliasing Filters, J. U. Schlüter, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2003:343-356.

Consistent Boundary Conditions for Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Inflow Conditions, J. U. Schlüter, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2002:143-154.

Integration of RANS and LES Flow Solvers: Interface Validation, J. Schlüter, H. Pitsch, S. Shankaran, S. Kim and J. Alonso, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2002:155-166.

Consistent Boundary Conditions for Integrated LES/RANS Simulations: LES Outflow Conditions, J. U. Schlüter and H. Pitsch, Stanford University/NASA Ames, Center for Turbulence Research, Annual Research Briefs 2001:19-30.

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