About CITS
The Center for Integrated Turbulence Simulations (CITS) is a multidisciplinary organization established in July 1997 at Stanford University to develop advanced numerical simulation methodologies that will enable a new paradigm for the design of complex, large-scale systems in which turbulence plays a controlling role. The initial focus of the CITS is provided by a comprehensive program on gas turbine engines, supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) under its Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC).
The DOE is making a significant fraction of its vast supercomputer resources available to its five ASC university research centers. The key components of the CITS program are:
CITS research areas include numerical algorithms, physical models for turbulence, combustion, multiphase processes, multiple-code integration, compilers and programming languages, and computer architectures, driven by and supporting massively parallel simulations.
The CITS involves faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers in the following departments amongst others:
Key leadership is provided by faculty of the
Flow Physics and Computational Engineering Group (FPCE) and the
Computer Systems Laboratory.