What Probe Should You Choose for Mercury 400?

Why would you want to use the standard probe (5mm PFG Auto Switchable 4-nucleus (13C/31P/1H/19F))?

1) Rapid detection of 13C, 31P, 1H, or 19F.

2) The standard parameters for routine experiments are for the 5mm PFG Auto Switchable 4-Nucleus probe.

3) The 5mm PFG Auto Switchable 4-nucleus is the standard probe, so no probe changing is necessary.

4) The 5mm PFG Auto Switchable 4-nucleus probe is capable of acquiring all 2-channel PFG experiments (gCOSY, gHSQC...), albeit with a lower signal-to-noise.

Why would you want to use the (1H/X) Inverse Pulsed Field Gradient probe?

1) All proton detect experiments will have better signal to noise.

2) Both 1H and X channels are tunable to your sample; the Auto Switchable is not tunable.


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