How to measure T1 on a Varian Spectrometer

Set up appropriate 1H parameters. Normally should acquire 1D 1H spectrum first.

Acquire a normal 1D with correct 90˚ pulse, process, phase correctly.

Type a macro:

The computer asks you questions, answer them as correctly as possible.

For shortest T1, guess ~0.1s for proton.

For longest T1, guess ~5s for proton.

For length of experiment time, it depends upon concentration, so most samples guess 0.1 hours.

Start acquisition, type:

The data can be processed with:

wft dssh

dssh = display stacked spectra horizontally

When data is complete, type:
The data for intensities of the resonances and the T1 values will display in the Text window

If the automatic threshold misses some peaks you can manually set it
To manually set threshold, type:
to display last spectrum. Then, set threshold as in standard 1D. Next, type:
to measure the peak heights of the resonances
To analyze the data, measure the T1s, type:
This will give a list of T1 values only. Alternatively, for more information type:
To print the data, highlighting the output and copy/paste to text editor works. Also, obtaining a line list is useful to identify what T1 value goes with what resonance so type:
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