Color Postscript Files

This describes how to save the plot as a color postscript file that is readable by Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, etc. This would be particularly useful in gHSQC, gHMQC, DQF-COSY, ROESY, and NOESY experiments which have both positive and negative contours. Note that stacked 1D plots- a series of 1Ds could be displayed with different colors also.

I have written macros that allow for you to convert between saving the postscript file as black and white or color.

Step 1.
1. Switch to color output. I have written the macro:
to switch to color postscript output with the default colors except for a 2D contour plot with black/grey as positive and various blues as negative contours.

2. (Optional). Change the colors to your liking. The VNMR command color will open up a window for you to change the color settings. You can then save it to a filename. If you want to change to these colors in the future, you need to type

3. Do print commands and save to file:
for example:
pcon(10,1.2) page('')

4. (Optional). Darken the postscript plot:

5. (Optional). Convert to jpg or tiff image:

6. Ftp file to computer, read with Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, etc.


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