Acquiring 1D homonuclear decoupling

Set up appropriate 1H parameters. Normally should acquire 1D 1H spectrum first.

pw = 1H pulse, should be 90º pulse

tpwr = high power for 1H; should be set according to pw, or is correlated to pw.

dm = decoupler modulations; decoupler should be on during acquisition, so dm = 'nny'

dpwr = decoupler power; should be ~ 12 for Inova spectrometers

dof = decoupler offset; the frequency in Hertz of the resonance to be decoupled, note that 0 is not 0 ppm

homo = homonuclear decoupling; homo = 'y'

Steps to acquire

1) acquire 1D, set sw, tof, np, at, pw, tpwr

2) find resonance to decouple, put cursor on resonance, type: sd

3) dpwr = 12

4) dm = 'nny'

5) homo = 'y'

6) acquire spectrum, type go or ga


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