Gathering at Professor Trost's House - June 2006
Maris and Cheyenne's Pig Roast Party - December 2006
David Lupton's Going Away Party
Yimin's Thesis Defense Reception
Andy's Thesis Defense Reception
David Cauble's Going Away Party - Nut House - May 2007
Professor Trost's Birthday - June 2007
Gathering at Professor Trost's House - July 2007
Dice-K Sushi Party - July 2007
Department Barbeque - August 2007
Brandon Turunen and Marco Bruenjes Party - September 2007
Lake Tahoe - September 2007
Group Picnic - Huddart Park - October 2007
Daisuke's Going Away Party - February 2008
Megan's Thesis Defense Reception - May 2008
Professor Trost's Birthday - June 2008
Gathering at Professor Trost's House - June 2008
Dylan's Thesis Defense Reception - September 2008
Jia's Thesis Defense Reception - September 2008
Andrew's Thesis Defense Reception - September 2008
Audris and Steve's Wedding - September 2008
Group Picnic - Stevens Creek Park - October 2008
Gathering at Professor Trost's House - June 2009
Group Picnic - Huddart Park - October 2009
Professor Trost's Birthday - June 2010
Recent Thesis Defenses - 2009-2010
Gathering at Professor Trost's House - June 2010
Please direct all questions or comments to dbringle at stanford dot edu.
Updated on October 13, 2011