Bio-X Travel Subsidy for Graduate Students
(Bio-X Travel Award Program Brochure)
In addition to receiving the Bio-X travel award, a number of our student awardees have received additional accolades for the research that they presented. The full list of awards, publications, and other accomplishments related to their oral presentations may be found here.
Bio-X is pleased to announce the Travel Subsidy for Graduate Students program which will provide a $500 travel subsidy for graduate students giving oral presentations at scientific conferences. To be eligible, students must be graduate students and Bio-X affiliates conducting interdisciplinary research, and must be accepted to give an oral presentation at a scientific meeting. Students may apply for the travel subsidy once a year and should submit award applications prior to attending the meeting.
Applications are available here and should be submitted electronically to A copy of the conference schedule confirming the talk title and presentation date must be submitted with the application.