Tele-robotic system for real-time soft-tissue image guidance of stereotactic body radiation therapy
Hristov, Dimitre (Radiation Oncology)
Salisbury, Kenneth (Computer Science)
Chang, Daniel (Radiation Oncology)
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is an emerging, non-invasive cancer treatment technique which delivers large radiation doses for tumor ablation in 1-5 sessions. The potential for superior outcomes, short treatment duration, low morbidity, and low cost are likely to establish SBRT as a primary treatment modality for localized cancer in the future. The widespread adoption of SBRT requires a technological capability for real-time visualization and tracking of moving and deforming soft-tissue anatomy during radiation beam delivery. Such capability is critical for ensuring precise delivery of radiation to intended targets while avoiding surrounding healthy tissues. With a team integrating expertise in medical physics, robotics engineering, and clinical radiation oncology, we are developing a novel SBRT image guidance system (IGS) (see Figure) that merges realtime volumetric ultrasound (US), telerobotic technology, and radiotherapy treatment intervention. Towards this goal we are: (A) developing a customized robotic manipulator capable of acquiring ultrasound images during beam delivery; (B) investigating various SBRT strategies deploying telerobotic guidance in order to minimize interference with the delivery system and maintain optimal radiation dose distributions; (C) developing soft-tissue target localization software, and (D) implementing an interface for radiation treatment intervention.