Move to a Cure: An Interdisciplinary Project to Develop a Quantitative, Kinematic Analysis of Three-Dimensional Limb Movement in Dystonia
Bronte-Stewart, Neurology
Jean-Claude Latombe, Computer Science
Bregler, Computer Science
Eugene Alexander, Biomechanical Eng.
Chronic high frequency stimulation (Deep Brain
Stimulation (DBS)) of the sensorimotor region
of the Globus Pallidus interna (GPi) in the brain
has led to dramatic improvements in the involuntary
movements of primary generalized dystonia. The
challenge is to determine the optimal site in
the deep nuclei of the basal ganglia for placement
of the DBS electrode without harming nearby structures.
The proposed solution is a marker-less vision
based algorithm capable of recovering the motion
of deforming objects without prior knowledge of
their 3-D shape. The first part of this BIO-X
project dealt with the development and initial
experiments on marker-less 3D tracking and model
acquisition of non-rigid motion in video sequences.
The technique was specifically targeted to human
motion, which is a challenging domain. From the
apparent motion of the pixels (optical flow),
computed with this technique, the non-rigid 3D
structure was derived.