Artificial Synapse Chip: A Neural Interface to
the Visual System
Fishman, Ophthalmology
David Bloom, Electrical Engineering
Bent, Chemical Engineering
Mark Blumenkranz, Ophthalmology
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the
most common form of severe and irreversible blindness
in the U.S. This proposed research represents
a highly interdisciplinary effort between physicians,
engineers, and scientists from schools of Medicine,
Engineering, and Humanities and Sciences to develop
new therapies for AMD and other blinding diseases
of the retina.
The immediate goal of this research is to develop
a neural interface that will connect a digital
video camera to individual retinal cells in the
eyes of patients with AMD, thus bypassing injured
cells. This neural interface would represent a
new paradigm in the field of electronic prosthetic
retinas that are being developed worldwide. Such
a prosthetic would improve the quality of life
for the millions of elderly Americans who will
develop AMD in the next 20 years. In addition
to advancing the treatment of AMD, this method
will have wide-reaching applications in spinal
cord injuries and in the field of tissue engineering.
These bioengineering technologies will help bring
basic science discoveries into clinical realities
and bridge the gap from bench to bedside.