Automatic Protein Structure Determination
Axel Brunger, Molec & Cell. Phys.
Jean-Claude Latombe, Computer Science
Daniel Russel, Computer Science
Leonidas Guibas, Computer Science
Jun Ashima, SSRL and LBNL
The genome projects have produced a wealth of
information about protein sequences and their
evolutionary relationships among different organisms.
This sequence information needs to be related
to protein function. An important intermediate
step is to obtain three-dimensional structures
of proteins and their complexes. Considering the
large number of proteins expressed by a particular
organism, structure determination needs to be
made much more efficient. process, which is almost
entirely done by hand – with a chemist using
an interactive graphics display. The purpose of our work is to explore computational
methods for automating and speeding up structure
determination as much as possible. Even when full
automation is infeasible, we plan to develop computational
tools that aid the chemist’s work, reducing
what is now a period of months to a period of
days.Our approach is to introduce techniques from
computational geometry developed by computer scientists
for shape analysis and recognition, including
segmentation and the extraction of features, such
as _-helices, _-strands, and aromatic rings, in
an electron density map. We seek to obtain higher-level,
more abstract representations of such a map that
may be easier to interpret by automated pattern
recognition methods. Recently, we have used algorithms
that determine an approximation for a particular
contour level of a density map. We believe that
these methods could provide the basis for highly
automated modeling of electron density maps.