Round 6 Awardees
Massive real time remote biology experiments: Technology development and integration in education
Riedel-Kruse, H. Ingmar (Bioengineering)
Blikstein, Paulo (Education)
Probing the active mechanics of hair cells - faster than the speed of hearing
Pruitt, Beth (Mechanical Engineering)
Ricci, Tony (Otolaryngology)
Towards Novel Approaches to Antiviral Therapy
Einav, Shirit (Medicine)
Quake, Stephen (Bioengineering)
Influence of age on the epigenetic control of virus-specific T cell responses
Goronzy, Jorg (Immunology & Rheumatology)
Greenleaf, William (Genetics)
Computational methods for characterizing children's first-person social experiences
Frank, Michael C. (Psychology)
Li, Fei-Fei (Computer Science)
The transcriptional networks underlying neocortical projection neuron fate specification
Bejerano, Gill (Developmental Biology)
McConnell, Susan (Biology)
Benchtop gene synthesizer: Oligo-Templated Polymerization (OTP)
Kay, Mark (Pediatrics)
Davis, Ron (Biochemistry)
Visualizing the Molecular Processes of the Retina in Living Subjects
de la Zerda, Adam (Structural Biology)
Blumenkranz, Mark (Ophthalmology)
Engineering the outside of the cell from within: Cytoskeletal control of cell wall structure and mechanics
Huang, KC (Bioengineering)
Frommer, Wolf (Biology)
Ehrhardt, David (Plant Biology)
Adaptation of a Miniature Microscope for the Noninvasive In Vivo Detection of Rare Circulating Tumor Cells in the Vasculature
Contag, Christopher (Pediatrics)
Clarke, Michael (Oncology)
Solgaard, Olav (Electrical Engineering)
High-throughput Engineering of an Optimized Pluripotent Stem Cell Niche for Smooth Muscle Tissue Regeneration
Yang, Fan (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Reijo Pera, Renee (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Chen, Bertha (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Developing a Targeted Drug Therapy for a Universally Fatal Pediatric Brainstem Tumor
Cochran, Jennifer (Bioengineering)
Monje, Michelle (Neurology)
Single Molecule and High-Resolution Imaging of Developmental Signal Transducers
Scott, Matthew (Developmental Biology)
Moerner, WE (Chemistry)
Lineage Tracking and the Roots of Adaptive Evolution
Fisher, Daniel (Applied Physics)
Sherlock, Gavin (Genetics)
Pluridirectional High-energy Agile Scanning Electron Radiotherapy (PHASER): a novel design for radiation treatment of cancer
Maxim, Peter (Radiation Oncology)
Loo, Billy(Radiation Oncology)
Tantawi, Sami (SLAC/Particle Physics and Astrophysics)
Illuminating the neural basis of risky choice
Knutson, Brian (Psychology)
Deisseroth, Karl (Bioengineering)
Exploiting the Warburg Effect in Glioma using Hyperpolarized 13C-pyruvate Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Spielman, Daniel (Radiology)
Recht, Lawrence (Neurology)
Biomarkers of the social deficits of children with autism
Parker, Karen (Psychiatry)
Hardan, Antonio (Psychiatry)
Elias, Joshua (Chemical and Systems Biology)
Partap, Sonia (Neurology)
Fluorescent Biosensors: Advanced Tools for Imaging Plant-Pathogen Rivalry for Carbon
Frommer, Wolf B. (Biology)
Walbot, Virginia (Biology)
Dunn, Alexander (Chemical Engineering)
Label-Free Assessment of Molecular and Structural Abnormalities for Point-of-Care Skin Cancer Diagnostics
Ellerbee, Audrey (Electrical Engineering)
Jean Yuh (Dermatology)
The Brain in Performance: Converting Brain Waves to Sound and Image
Parvizi, Josef (Neurology)
Chafe, Chris (Music)
Building Genetic Tools to Engineer Cyanobacteria
Swartz, James (Chemical Engineering)
Theriot, Julie (Biochemistry)
Mechanical Biomarkers of Oocyte Maturation and Embryo Viability
Camarillo, David (Bioengineering)
Reijo Pera, Renee (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Behr, Barry (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Sanofi-funded IIP Seed Grant projects:
Rapid and Durable Integration of Cartilage Implants Using Photochemical Bonding
Levenston, Marc (Mechanical Engineering)
Dragoo, Jason (Orthopaedic Surgery)
Chang, James (Surgery)
Revealing mitochondrial enzyme regulation mechanisms arising from lysine acetylation
Elias, Josh (Chemical & Systems Biology)
Zare, Richard (Chemistry)
Prediction of Therapeutic Efficacy of Targeted Oncogene Inactivation via PET Imaging using a Novel Smart Apoptosis Probe ([18F]CAIP)
Felsher, Dean (Oncology)
Rao, Jianghong (Radiology)
Chin, T. Frederick (Radiology)
Paik, S. David (Radiology)
Real-time measurements of biological interactions using multiplexed peptide arrays on silicon wafers
Utz, PJ (Medicine)
Wang, Shan Xiang (Electrical Engineering)