Round 2 Awardees

An Integrated Approach to Modeling Planar Cell Polarity
Jeffrey  Axelrod (Pathology)
Claire Tomlin (Aeronautics & Astronautics)

Analyzing Gene Function and Expression Simultaneously
Doug Brutlag (Biochemistry)
Daphne Koller (Computer Science)

How Myosin V Walks: 3D Simulation Brings Life to Atomic Structures of Motor Proteins
Scott Delp (Bioengineering)
Michael Levitt (Structural Biology)
Vijay Pande (Chemistry)
James Spudich (Biochemistry)

Modeling Muscles in Contact
Garry Gold (Radiology)
Scott Delp (Mechanical Engineering)
Leonidas Guibas (Computer Science)
Amy Ladd (Functional Restoration)
Robert Fedkiw (Computer Science)

Ethical Dimensions of Neuroscience Research
Henry Greely (Law)
Barbara Koenig (Medicine)
Debra Satz (Philosophy)
Judy Iles (Medicine)
Linda Hogle (Medicine)

Dynamic brain imaging using simultaneous fMRI and EEG recordings
Vinod Menon (Psychiatry)
Gary Glover (Radiololgy)

Optical Thermometry
Daniel Palanker (Ophthalmology)
Michael Marmor (Ophthalmology)
George Shuele (Physics)
Lev Perelman (Physics)
Mark Blumenkranz (Ophthalmology)

Inference of Functional Elements in Multiple Alignments of Mammalian Genome Sequence
Arend Sidow (Pathology)
Serafim Batzoglou (Computer Science)

Artificial Cornea
Christopher Ta (Ophthalmology)
Jaan Noolandi (Ophthalmology)
Alan Smith (Biochemistry)
Robert Waymouth (Chemistry)
Phil Huie (Ophthalmology)

Real-time Measurements of Neuronal Activity and Neuronal Circuitry in Transgenic Mice
Greg Barsh (Pediatrics)
Stephen Smith (Molecular & Cellular Physiology)
Charles Taylor (Mechanical Engineering)

Protein Profiles to Predict Adverse Reactions from Radiation Therapy
Gilbert Chu (Medicine)
Robert Tibshirani (Health, Research and Policy)
Richard Zare (Chemistry)

Counterion-Induced Forces in the Folding of Nucleic Acids
Sebastian Doniach (Applied Physics)
Daniel Herschlag (Biochemistry)
Vijay Pande (Chemistry)

Statistics of Biological Networks
Deborah Gordon (Biological Sciences)
Susan Holmes (Statistics)

Seismic Transmission & Detection of African Elephant Vocalizations & Footfalls
Simon Klemperer (Geophysics)
Robert Sapolsky (Biological Sciences)
C. O'Connell-Rodwell (Pediatrics)

Computational Tools for Exploring Large-Dimensional Conformational Spaces
Jean-Claude Latombe (Computer Science)
Leonidas Guibas (Computer Science)
Patrice Koehl (Structural Biology)

Biophysics and Cell Biology of Cell-Cell Adhesion:
From Single Molecules to Supramolecular Complexes to Cell Function

W. James Nelson (Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
Steven Boxer (Chemistry)
Steven Chu (Physics)

Multi-Hand Haptic Interaction to Simulate Complex Surgical Procedures
Kenneth Salisbury (Computer Science)
Sabine Girod (Surgery)
Tom Krummel (Surgery)
Jean-Claude Latombe (Computer Science)

Genome Biology of Vibrio cholerae and Shewanella oneidensis
Alfred Spormann (Civil & Environmental Engineering)
Gary Schoolnik (Medicine)
Samuel Karlin (Mathematics)

Wireless Gastric Endocapsule
Jacques Van Dams (Gastroenterology & Hepatology)
George Springer (Aeronautics & Astronautics)

Molecular Rheology of Lung Surfactant in Health and Disease
Peter Kao (Medicine)
Gerald Fuller (Chemical Engineering)

Graduate Program in Quantitative Chemical Biology
Daria Mochly-Rosen (Molecular Pharmacology)
Paul Wender (Chemistry)