Aaron Wang
Bioengineering, Medicine
Graduate Student Fellowships 2006/2007
Profs. Charles Taylor (Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering) and David Liang (Cardiovascular Medicine)
Graduated 2009
Medical Student at Stanford University
Development of a novel portable ultrasound cuff with an automated bleed detection algorithm which would be useful for medics in the field. The goal of Aaron’s study was to evaluate a detection strategy for internal bleeding that employed a well-established theoretical biofluid model, the power law. This law characterizes normal blood flow rates through an arterial tree by its bifurcation geometry. By detecting flows that deviate from the model, they hypothesized that vascular abnormalities could be localized. Their bleed detection metric demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity in computational bleed simulations, in vivo rabbit bleed models, and human case studies in dialysis patients. |