Joel Sadler
Mechanical Engineering
Bio-X Bowes Fellow 2012/2013
Profs. Sakti Srivastava (Surgery), Larry Leifer (Mechanical Engineering), and Kenneth Salisbury (Computer Science)

Joel's research explores the design of low-cost modular medical robotics and prosthetics that enhance physical and cognitive human ability. Medical telerobotics has great potential to augment the operating room with real-time distributed collaboration. These surgical robotic systems currently allow many endoscopic procedures to be performed remotely but are (i) expensive,  (ii) complex,  and (iii) unable to provide a sense of haptic touch. The goal of this research is to develop an affordable telerobotic platform that may be used in cost-constrained environments such as developing world hospitals. They are currently developing a novel system that demonstrates how modular design and low-cost fabrication techniques can enable affordable gestural-haptic interactions in medicine.