Paul Lebel
Applied Physics
Bio-X SIGF Fellow 2011/2012
Professor Zev Bryant (Bioengineering)

Paul’s goal is to further our mechanistic understand-ing of molecular motors by capturing single molecule microscopy data at unprecedented bandwidth and resolution. He has developed an imaging and data acquisition system to track gold nanoparticles as precise probes of length and twist of single DNA molecules at more than 20,000 frames per second. Their lab exploits the resolution of this technique as a tool to study various systems: they observe individual torque-generating steps of a single ATP-powered enzyme as it winds up DNA and measure the basic physical properties of DNA itself under applied ten-sion and torque. Additionally, through independent collaborations with Professors Stephen Quake and Jody Puglisi, he is developing nanoparticle-based as-says for high-throughput condition screening and real-time dynamics of translating ribosomes.