Obesity and the Initiation of Osteoarthritis
To investigate the biological and mechanical pathways to osteoarthritis in people of various shapes and sizes using:

- Gait analysis
- MR imaging
- Analysis of cytokines present in the serum.
Major Findings
- The positive relationship between knee loading and cartilage is lost with age and obesity.
- Loading, particularly the knee adduction moment, increases with age in obese subjects.
- This increase in adduction moment associated with age was not seen in normal-weight individuals.
- Many obese persons (age 40-60) have asymptomatic/undiagnosed knee osteoarthritis.
Representative Publications
- Age and obesity alter the positive knee articular cartilage response to ambulatory loads in individuals without osteoarthritis.
Blazek K, Favre J, Asay J, Erhart-Hledik J, Andriacchi T. J Orthop Res. 2014 Mar;32(3):394-402. - Adduction moment increases with age in healthy obese individuals.
Blazek K, Asay JL, Erhart-Hledik J, Andriacchi T. J Orthop Res. 2013 Sep;31(9):1414-22.