Kinematics and Kinetics of Knees after Meniscectomy

- To determine changes in loading and kinematics at the knee during activities of daily living following a partial medial meniscectomy.
- To assess cartilage thinning with relationship to ambulatory mechanics.
Major Findings
- For walking, when compared to the healthy contralateral side, the affected leg has:
- Reduced peak kneeflexion and extension moments.
- A reduced knee range of motion.
- A more externally rotated tibia.
- No significant differences in knee adduction moment or anterior-posterior translation.
- Partial medial meniscectomy and rotational differences at the knee during walking.
Netravali, NA, Giori, NJ, Andriacchi, TP. J Biomechanics. 2010 Nov; 43(15):2948-53.
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