Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Graft Orientation and Gait

- To analyze graft properties, such as placement and orientation, on gait parameters
Major Findings
- Coronal ACL graft angle significantly influences gait mechanics, with a negative correlation to the peak external knee flexion moment.
- Knee flexion moment is reduced more with greater vertical the graft placement (less anatomical), which suggests patients with more vertical graft placements may adopt a quadriceps avoidance gait.
Representative Publications
- Graft orientation influences the knee flexion moment during walking in patients with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Scanlan SF, Blazek K, Chaudhari AM, Safran MR, Andriacchi TP. Am J Sports Med. 2009 Nov;37(11):2173-8. - Scanlan S, Lai J, Andriacchi T. Side-to-Side Differences in ACL Insertion Anatomy in Healthy Subjects and ACL Reconstructed Patients, the 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 6-9, 2010.