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Images Produced by Registry Artists

Global Climate Change
Beverly (Bev) Abbott

© 2007 Beverly (Bev) Abbott ...Science Art-Birds

Title: Congress of Kings
Species: King Penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus)
Artist: Beverly (Bev) Abbott (for further information, click on the artist's name)
Image size: 24" X 30"
Media: oil
Date: 2007
Artist's private collection

The artist notes: "The King Penguin is found in large colonies on the Falkland and other sub-Antarctic islands. During breeding, pairs maintain territories within pecking distance of each other in the tussocks and gently sloping beaches. They make no nest, and alternate brooding duties: The male incubates the single egg by carrying it around on his feet under his pouch while his mate leaves to forage, hunting mainly fish, but also taking some squid. When she returns from her weeks-long expedition, it will be her turn to keep the egg warm, while her mate goes to sea. The chick hatches in about 55 days and is initially cared for by both parents. It usually takes 14-16 months to raise a King penguin chick.”

A recent, nine-year study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (February 2008) found that declining King Penguin populations in the Indian Ocean's Crozet Archipelago appear to be the result of longer, less successful foraging expeditions associated with the rise of sea temperatures.  The researchers found that a 0.47 degree Fahrenheit (0.26 degree Celsius) increase in their foraging habitat during winter resulted in a 9 percent decrease in the population two years later. Over the next two decades the temperature in the oceans off Antarctica is projected to rise 0.72 degree Fahrenheit (0.4 degree Celsius).
