Meeting Agenda: November 1st, 2000
I. Pioneers Forum
A. General Updates
Ms. Eleni Gebreamlak West's speech date has been confirmed as November 27th, 2000.
B. Logistics
Abel Bogale sent logistics updates via email prior to tonight's meeting. The updates are as follows:
- Hotel accomadations: Best Western Riveria - $327 for Nov. 26 and Nov 27.
- Airfare: still searching
- Pioneers location: Kresge Auditorium
- Event and labor services orders:
- submitted su-13 and su-40 (thanks to bretheren Mike and Meraf)
- items ordered :-- mike w/ podium, sound sytem package, video camera w/
tripod, technical support for 3 hours (7-10pm); 3 tables (2 by door and 1
on stage w/ stanford lining), 10 chairs, janitorial services
- estimates will be given at the next meeting
C. Fundraising
Tenbite Ermias gave a fundraising update. More program proposals have been left in the SESU mailbox at the BCSC. All volunteers need to continue passing out the proposal to their assigned groups and report to Tenbite on the status of their results to date. Bechtel International Center will be responding to our proposal by the end of the week. A more detailed fundraising update will be presented once Tenbite gets more feedback from volunteers.
D. Itinerary
Kristina Prince will be handling meetings with medical professionals for the medical school tour. Lydia Hailu will send out an email with choices of location for the formal SESU dinner. Votes will accepted by email. Yosef Kebede has confirmed that the official Stanford tour will cost $40. Sophia Hurd is preparing the award plaque for Ms. West and needs feedback on the words to engrave.
E. Publicity
Saba Bireda is working on a press release and an article for the Stanford Daily before the November 27th event. Liben Eabisa will be sending out an email advertisement by early next week, and a flyer will also be designed.
II. Other Information
A. November 6th BSU meeting
A joint meeting between SESU, SASA, CSA, and the BSU will be held to discuss relationships between the African and African-American community at Stanford. All SESU members are encouraged to attend the meeting on Monday evening, Nov. 6th, 2000 at Ujamaa.
B. November 11th Berkeley High School Conference
The Berkeley Ethiopian Students Association will be hosting a high school conference for juniors and seniors to provide information on the application and admission process to colleges and universities. The Berkeley Ethiopian Student Association has invited two individuals (1 male, 1 female) from Stanford to speak at the conference. Kristina Prince has volunteered and we need 1 male to also serve as a speaker at the conference.
Meeting adjourned and next meeting set for November 8th, 2000 at Tressider Union (Upstairs Lounge).