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Adwa 2000 Celebration Organizers and Sponsors

Program Coordinator: Abel Bogale

Fundraising Chair: Tenbite Ermias

Publicity Chair: Nesanet Abegaze

Publicity Committee: Liben Eabisa, Begna Gebreyes, Awetu Simesso

Press Conference Coordinator: Saba Bireda

Logistics: Abel Bogale

Itinerary Committee: Meklit Berhan, Begna Gebreyes, Lydia Hailu

Website Design: Tseday Alehegn

Sponsors: Graduate Student Council, Office of the Dean of Students, Associated Students of Stanford University, ASSU Speaker's Bureau, Bechtel International Center, Black Community Services Center, Undergraduate Advising Center, Ocopy.com, Committee for Black Performing Arts, Drama Department, Center for African Studies, Stanford Undergraduate Dorms: Casa Zapata