Systems Optimization Laboratory
Stanford, CA 94305-4121 USA
CGLS: CG method for Ax = b and Least Squares
- AUTHOR: Michael Saunders
CONTRIBUTORS: Per Christian Hansen,
Folkert Bleichrodt,
Christopher Fougner
A MATLAB implementation of CGLS, the Conjugate Gradient method
for unsymmetric linear equations and least squares problems:
\text{Solve } & Ax=b
\\ \text{or minimize } & \|Ax-b\|^2
\\ \text{or solve } & (A^T A + sI)x = A^T b,
where the matrix \(A\) may be square or rectangular
(represented by an M-file for computing \(Ax\) and \(A^Tx\))
and \(s\) is a scalar (positive or negative).
The method is stable if \(s = 0\) or \(s > 0\).
More generally, it should be stable if \(A^T A + sI\)
is positive definite. Otherwise it may be unstable.
Documented in the MATLAB file below.
Special feature: This is a simple CG-type code for unsymmetric
equations and least squares, with the option of a negative shift.
However, use with caution if \(s < 0\).
If \(s \ge 0\), we recommend LSQR
or LSMR.
Do not use a symmetric CG code on the
normal equations, even though it is equivalent to LSQR in exact
With \(s = 0\), the method is due to Hestenes and Stiefel (1952).
See the first LSQR paper, Paige and Saunders (1982a), ACM TOMS 8(1), 43-71.
Trivial changes are needed to allow an arbitrary shift.
01 Sep 1999: First version, implemented at DTU, Denmark.
15 Apr 2013: More polished version contributed by Folkert Bleichrodt,
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
02 Sep 2014: CUDA implementation contributed by Christopher Fougner, ICME, Stanford.
08 Feb 2015: CUDA version can treat \(A\) as a matrix or an operator.
09 Feb 2015: CUDA version allows \(A,b,x\) to be complex (but \(s\) is real).