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Victor Zaslavsky is
currently Professor of Political Sociology at the LUISS (the Free International University
for Social Sciences), Rome, Italy. He taught at the University of Leningrad, Memorial
University (St John's, Canada), University of Florence, University of Venice, University
of California, Berkeley and Stanford University.
His recent publications include:
 | Togliatti e Stalin. Il Partito comunista italiano e la politica estera sovietica
(with E. Agarossi) - the winner of the 1998 "Storia" prize, Italy; |
 | La Russia senza Soviet, Rome, Ideazione, 1996; |
 | Storia del sistema sovietico: l'ascesa, la stabilita', il crollo, Rome,Nuova Italia
Scientifica, 1995; |
 | The Neo-Stalinist State. Class, Ethnicity, and Consensus in Soviet Society, 2-d ed.,
Armonk, Sharpe, 1994 |
 | "The Soviet System and the Soviet Union: Causes of Collapse", in K. Barkey, M.
von Hagen (eds.), After the Empire. Multiethnic Societies and Nation-building,
Boulder, Westview Press, 1997; |
 | "Contemporary Russian Society and Its Legacy: The Problem of State-Dependent
Workers", in B. Grancelli (ed.), Social Change and Modernization: Lessons from
Eastern Europe, New York-Berlin, De Gruyter, |
 | 1995; |
 | "From Redistribution to Market. Social and Attitudinal Change in Post-Soviet
Russia", in G. Lapidus (ed.), The New Russia, Boulder, |
 | Westview Press, 1994; |
 | "Nationalism and Democratic Transition in Postcommunist Societies", in Daedalus
2 (Spring 1992) |