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Dr. Vladimir A. Mau

Director of the Working Centre for Economic Reform of the Government of Russian Federation, Dr. Mau also serves as Executive Director of the Institute for the Economy in Transition (Moscow) where he heads the Department for Political Studies of Economic Reforms. He has a teaching appointment at the High Economic School in Moscow and serves on the Editorial Boards of Voprosy Ekonomiki, Mir Rossii, Otkrytaya Politika, and Journal of Economic Transition. He is also on the board of the Foundation of Economic Policy (Moscow).

He received his education at the Moscow Institute of National Economy and did post-graduate work at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences where he received his degree of Dr. of Science (Economics), with a specialization in economics, history of economic policy, history of economic thought, in 1993. In 1997, he was a Fowler Hamilton Fellow at Christ Church, Oxford.

He has served as an advisor to a number of government officials, including the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1992), the Deputy Mayor of Moscow (1993), and the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (1993-94).

His books include:

bulletIn the Quest of Planification. (Nauka: Moscow, 1990);
bulletThe Laws of Revolution, Experience of Perestroika, and Our Future. (Institute of Economics: Moscow, 1991);
bulletHistory of Economic Studies in the USSR: Outlines for Conception. (Institute of Economics: Moscow, 1992);
bulletReforms and Dogmas: 1914-1929. (Delo Ltd: Moscow, 1993);
bulletEconomy and Power. (Delo Ltd: Moscow, 1995);
bulletThe Political History of Economic Reform in Russia, 1985-1994. (London: CRCE, 1996).

Dr. Mau is the author of over 160 articles on the history of economic thought, social and political issues of market reforms, and domestic policy, most recently:

bulletBread, Democracy and the Bolshevik Coup. In: Revolutionary Russia. 1994. Vol. 7. NO 1;
bulletSocial and Political Prerequisites and Consequences of Radical Economic Policies in Russia. In: International Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 24. 1994. No. 1;
bulletYeltsin's Choice: Background to the Chechnya Crisis. Social Market Foundation Memorandum. London. 1995. No. 12;
bulletPerestroika: Theoretical and Political Problems of Economic Reforms in the USSR. In: Europe-Asia Studies. Vol. 47. No 3. 1995;
bulletEssays in Political Economy of Russia's Regions. In: Voprosy Economiki. 1995. NO 10 (in Russian);
bulletRussia's Stormy Path to Reform: Discussion. Social Market Foundation: London, 1995;
bulletEconomic Policy Alternatives and Priblems of Inflation. In: Voprosy Economiki. 1995. NO 12 (in Russian);
bulletThe Road to Perestroika: Economics in the USSR and the Problems of Reforming the Soviet Economic Order. In: Europe-Asia Studies. Vol. 48. N 2. 1996;
bulletEconomic reform and Political Cycle in Modern Russia. In: Voprosy Ekonomiki. 1996. No. 6. (In Russian);
bulletEconomic Policy Alternatives and Inflation in Russia. In: Communist Economies and Economic Transformation. 1996. Vol. 8. No. 3;
bulletThe Political Economy of Russian Regionalism. In: Communist Economies and Economic Transformation. 1997. Vol. 9. No. 2;
bulletEconomics and Elections: Quantitative Analysis. In: Voprosy Ekonomiki. 1997. No 4. (In Russian).
bulletRussian Reforms as Viewed through the Latin American Experience. In: Voprosy Ekonomiki. 1998. No 2. (In Russian).

The title of his paper at the Stanford Conference will be "Continuity and Revolution in Contemporary Russia."