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Natalya Ivanova
Natalya Borisovna Ivanova, a well-known, literary and
cultural critic and commentator, is First Deputy Editor of the literary-political monthly,
Znamya (Moscow). One of the leading voices of reform since the late 1980s, she
has published her essays and commentary in all major Russian periodicals, including Novyi
mir, Nezavisimaia gazeta, Literaturnaia gazeta, and others. One of
the best-known contemporary essayists, she plays an important role in the institutional
life of contemporary Russian culture, serving as board member in a number of
foundations and committees. Collections of her essays include:
 | Gibel bogov: stati (Biblioteka "Ogonek" ; 1991, no. 48) |
 | Voskreshenie nuzhnykh veshchei (Moskva: Moskovskii rabochii, 1990) |
 | Smekh protiv strakha, ili, Fazil Iskander (Moskva: Sov. Pisatel,
1990) |
 | Osvobozhdenie ot strakha (Biblioteka "Ogonek" ; 1989, no. 7) |
 | Tochka zrenieiia: o proze poslednikh let (Moskva: Sov. Pisatel, 1988). |
The title of her paper at the Conference is: "A New Mosaic -- Old Fragments:
Re-coding Soviet History in Contemporary Russian Prose" |
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